

Hey there! If you have a change of heart within a fabulous 7-days period after receiving your awesome tote bag, don't fret! You can totally ask for a refund. 

Just drop us an email at within those delightful 7 days, along with your order number, and we'll be your trusty guides from there. Cheers to hassle-free returns!

To be eligible for a return, the item should meet the following criteria: 

  • completely devoid of any blemishes (e.g makeup stains) or lingering aromas
  • in a fresh-out-of-the-box condition, with all tags remaining firmly attached
  • in its original packaging, with no signs of use, washing, or wear & tear

Unless there are defects in the item, the customer will be responsible for covering the shipping costs. 


If the returned item fulfills the aforementioned criteria, we will reach out to you via email to confirm. Refunds will be processed back to your original method of payment. The refund should appear in your account within a certain amount of days.


We offer replacement solely for items that are defective or damaged. Should you require an exchange for the exact same of item, kindly reach out to us via email at, and we will initiate the necessary steps to facilitate the exchange process.


If the item was indicated as gift during purchase and shipped directly to you, a gift credit will be provided for the return value. Upon receiving the returned item, an emailed gift certificate will be issued.

In the event that the item was not specified as a gift during purchase or was shipped to the gift giver for later delivery, a refund will be processed to the gift giver, who will be informed of the return.

Sale item

Kindly note that items purchased on sale or with return credit vouchers cannot be returned or exchanged.